Tag Archives: Cousinia bornmulleriana

Two new species of genus Cousinia (Asteraceae, Cardueae) from W and NE Iran

Two new species of Cousinia are described from Iran. 
Cousinia bornmulleriana from the west that can be placed in sect. Haussknechtii based on some key characters such as flower numbers, phyllary numbers and the inflorescence form traits. This species can be also compared with its closest relative C. haussknechtii. and C. karkasensis.
The second new species, C. semnanensis, from North East of Iran, belongs to the sect. Stenocephalae for its flower numbers, winged stem, and phyllaries shape, and is compared to C. alexeenkoana and C. glaucopsis as its close relative.

To download the article please click here (DOI: 10.29252/nbr.9.2.144).

Cite as: Attar F, Maroofi H, Mirtadzadini M, Sotoodeh A. Two new species of genus Cousinia (Asteraceae, Cardueae) from W and NE Iran. nbr. 2022; 9 (2) :144-152

URL: http://nbr.khu.ac.ir/article-1-3516-en.html